This week, women’s access to medical abortion has suddenly improved with the lifting of restrictions in doctors' prescribing and in pharmacists' supplying MS-2-Step medication. Hopefully the quality of care will be maintained.
Adequate patient care demands more than just a prescription and supply of medication, otherwise women are getting second-best treatment and running the risk of unforeseen side effects and complications.
At AWARE Women’s Health, doctors with training and experience in helping women through medical abortion are available.
Our comprehensive care for women choosing medical abortion starts with a specific medical history (see the online assessment link below) and sometimes a physical assessment to ensure that medical abortion is the right choice for that woman. Our doctors explain exactly what to expect, when to take the medication, how to manage pain and nausea pre-emptively, and what to do and who to call if complications arise. Finally, and importantly, is a simple test to know that the procedure has worked.
We see women through the whole process in a caring and safe environment.