Period and pelvic pain can be debilitating for some women. It is important to know when these symptoms are caused by endometriosis as timely diagnosis and treatment reduces pain and improves fertility.

At AWARE Women’s Health our Specialist Gynecologists have expertise in diagnosing and treating endometriosis. We use minimally invasive surgical techniques and evidence based treatment. Our Physiotherapy and Psychology services are an integral part of our holistic approach to the management of pelvic pain.

If you have troublesome symptoms, think you may have endometriosis or are concerned about your fertility, we can offer investigation and advice. Call and speak to our staff to make an appointment.

Please fill in our Personal Details and Medical History form, our Painful Periods and Endometriosis Questionnaire and any other of our questionnaires that are relevant to your concerns, and bring them to your appointment.

For more information:

Endometriosis Australia https://www.endometriosisaustralia.org/